

单词 But for test
释义 「要不是」驗證
In negligence, a test applied in establishing causation (one of the three factors required to prove negligence on the part of a defendant), the issue being whether the defendant’s conduct caused the injury of another. It is formulated in terms of the question ‘would the plaintiff have suffered the injury but for the negligence of the defendant?’ If the answer is in the negative, the defendant’s conduct did not cause the injury. The test has flaws, and may not always give a satisfactory answer to the question of causation. For example, it does not provide a satisfactory answer in cases where there is a novus actus interveniens (supervening cause) which is said to break the chain of causation which otherwise would have followed from an earlier wrongful act, or where there are multiple causes (the plaintiff’s injury is caused by two or more events): McKew v Holland & Hannen & Cubbits (Scotland) Ltd [1969] 2 All ER 1621 (HL); McGhee v NCB [1972] 3 All ER 1008, [1973] 1 WLR 1 (HL). In the law of contractual exemption clauses, where there are doubts as to whether a clause should be construed as an exemption clause, the court would apply a ‘but for’ test, that is to say, whether liability would arise ‘but for’ the clause: Smith v Eric S Bush, Harris & Anor v Wyre Forest District Council & Anor [1990] 1 AC 831 (HL). See also Causation; Causation in fact; Novus actus interveniens.
在疏忽侵權案件中,在確立因果關係(三個所需證明被告有疏忽行為的其中一個因素)時引用的驗證,問題在於被告的行為是否導致他人損傷的原因。如果以下問題的答案屬否,則被告的行為沒有導致他人損傷:「要不是被告的疏忽行為,原告就不會受損傷?」該測試有瑕庇,因為並非總是就因果關係的問題有令人滿意的答案。例如凡有伴隨原因(拉丁語為novus actus interveniens),或如有多項原因(兩件或以上事件導致原告的損傷)發生,則不可提供令人滿意的答案,因為會破壞因果關係鏈,否則會隨較早前的錯誤作為發生:McKew v. Holland & Hannen & Cubbits (Scotland) Ltd.[1969] 2All ER 1621(上議院); McGhee v. NCB[1972] 3 All ER 1008, [1973] 1WLR 1(上議院)。在合約免責條款的法律下,如對某條款是否應解釋為免責條款感到懷疑,法庭會引用「要不是」驗證,即表示「要不是」有該條款的存在,便會有法律責任產生:Smith v. Eric S Bush Harris & Anor v Wyre Forest District Council & Anor [1990] 1 AC 831(上議院)。另見 Causation; Causation in fact; Novus actus interveniens。




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