

单词 Taxation of costs
释义 訟費評定
The process provided for under the rules of the court for assessment of the amount of legal costs, for example the fees, charges, disbursements, expenses and remuneration involved in legal proceedings, by a taxing master. The rules regarding taxation of costs are laid down in The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 62 r 21 et seq and The Rules of the District Court (Cap 336H) O 62 r 21 et seq. Costs may be taxed on different bases: party and party basis, common fund basis (equivalent to the standard basis in England and Wales), or indemnity basis. On a taxation on the party and party basis, all such costs are to be allowed as were necessary or proper for the attainment of justice or for enforcing or defending the rights of the party whose costs are being taxed: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 62 r 28(2). On a taxation of costs on the common fund basis, a reasonable amount is to be allowed in respect of all costs reasonably incurred and any doubts as to whether the costs were reasonably incurred or were reasonable in amount are to be resolved in favour of the paying party: O 62 r 28(3), (4). On the taxation of costs on the indemnity basis all costs are to be allowed except insofar as they are of an unreasonable amount or have been unreasonably incurred and any doubts which the taxing master may have are to be resolved in favour of the receiving party: O 62 r 28(3), (4A); Sung Foo Kee Ltd v Pak Lik Co (A Firm) [1996] 3 HKC 570. There are review procedures for challenging a taxation of costs: O 62 rr 33, 34, 35. The applicant should first apply for review before a master and then to the judge for a further review of the taxation if he was not satisfied with the master’s decision on review. The judge will only hear the review if there has been a review by the taxing master first: CFK v LLL [2003] 3 HKC 190 (CA). The Court of Final Appeal Rules also adopt the taxation rules on taxation of costs in The Rules of the High Court: The Court of Final Appeal Rules (Cap 484A) r 57(1). Also known as ‘assessment of costs’. See also Assessment of costs; Costs; Costs order; Indemnity costs; Party and party costs.
按照法院規則而提供評定法律訟費款額的過程,例如由訟費評定官評定涉及在法律訴訟程序產生的費用、收費、開銷、支出及酬金。《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第62號命令第 21條規則以及後隨的和《區域法院規則》(第336H章)第62號命令第 21條規則以及後隨的規定訟費評定的規則。可根據不同的基礎評定訟費:按訴訟各方基準評定、按共同基金基準評定(相等於英格蘭及威爾斯的標準基礎)或按彌償基準評定。在按照訴訟各方基準評定訟費時,須准予所有為秉行公正或為強制執行或維護其訟費正被評定的一方的權利而屬必要或恰當的訟費:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第62號命令第28(1)條規則。在按照共同基金基準評定訟費時,對於所有合理地招致的訟費,均須准予一個合理的款額,而當中如產生訟費是否合理地招致或款額是否合理的疑問,則須以有利於付款的一方解決:第 62號命令第28(3)及(4)條規則。在按照彌償基準評定訟費時,所有訟費均須准予,但如該等訟費的款額不合理或該等訟費是不合理地招致,則屬例外,而訟費評定官在訟費是否合理地招致或訟費款額是否合理方面的任何疑問,須按照有利於收取訟費的一方的準則解決:第 62號命令第28(3)及(4A)條規則;Sung Foo Kee Ltd v Pak Lik Co (A Firm) [1996] 3 HKC 570。有既定的覆核程序用以貿疑訟費評定:第6號命令第 33、34及35條規則。如申請人對訟費評定官覆核的決定不滿,他/她應先在訟費評定官席前申請覆核,然後向法官申請進一步的評定覆核。在先有由訟費評定官作出覆核的情況下,有關的法官才會就覆核進行聆訊:CFK v LLL [2003] 3 HKC 190(上訴法庭)。香港終審法院規則亦採納《高等法院規則》的訟費評定規則:《香港終審法院規則》(第484A章)第57(1)條規則。另稱「訟費評估」。另見 Assessment of costs; Costs; Costs order; Indemnity costs; Party and party costs。




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