

单词 Taximeter
释义 的士計程錶
Any appliance for measuring the time or distance for which a taxi is used, or for measuring both time and distance, or for recording the fare by time or distance or by a combination of time and distance, which is for the time being approved for the purpose by the Commissioner: Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374) s 2. Every taxi must be fitted with a taximeter of a design and construction approved by the Commissioner for Transport, which permission may specify the position and manner in which a taximeter may be fitted to a taxi: Road Traffic (Construction and Maintenance of Vehicles) Regulations (Cap 374A) reg 41(1), (3). Approval may be signified either generally by notice in the Gazette or in any particular case in writing: reg 41(2). See also Taxi; Vehicle specifications.
指任何用作量度使用的士時間或路程或同時量度時間及路程、或用作按時間或路程或按時間及路程兩者以記錄車費的裝置,而該裝置在當其時是運輸署署長為上述用途而批准者:《道路交通條例》(第374章)第2條。每部的士須裝配一個在設計及構造上獲運輸署署長認可之的士計程錶 ,署長可以就裝配在的士上之的士計程錶指明裝配的位置及方式:《道路交通(車輛構造及保養)規例》(第374A章)第41(1)及(3)條規例。署長可概括地藉憲報刊登公告,或在個別情況下採用書面形式表示認可:第41(2)條規例。另見 Taxi; Vehicle specifications。 n.




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