

单词 Irrevocable authority
释义 不得撤銷的權能
In agency law, where the authority of an agent is given by deed, or for valuable consideration, for the purpose of effectuating any security, or of protecting or securing an interest of the agent, it is irrevocable during the subsistence if such security or interest: Re Hannan’s Empress Gold Mining and Development Co, Carmichael’s Case [1896] 2 Ch 643 (CA); Pang Hin Lam & Anor v Lau Wah Kwan & Anor [1999] 2 HKC 771 (CA); Chau Fei & Anor v Li Yee Wah [1995] 2 HKC 806 (HC). Where a power of attorney, whenever created, is expressed to be irrevocable and is given to secure a proprietary interest of the donee of the power, or the performance of an obligation owed to the donee, then so long as the donee has that interest, or the obligation remains undischarged, the power is irrevocable: Powers of Attorney Ordinance (Cap 31) s 4(1). See also Agency; Agent; Authority; Consideration; Deed; Renunciation of authority; Revocation of authority; Sufficiency of consideration.
在代理法中,指由契諾賦予的代理權能,或為達成保證的有值代價代理權能,或為保護、保證代理權益的代理權能,在抵押或權益有效期間不得撤回:Re Hannan’s Empress Gold Mining and Development Co, Carmichael’s Case [1896] 2 Ch 643(英國上訴法院);Pang Hin Lam & Anor v Lau Wah Kwan & Anor [1999] 2 HKC 771(上訴法院);Chau Fei & Anor v Li Yee Wah [1995] 2 HKC 806(高等法院)。無論何時,授權書訂明為不可撤銷,並作為該授權書的獲授權人的所有人權益的保證,或作為履行須向獲授權人履行的義務的保證,只要獲授權人仍享有該權益或該義務仍未予解除,該授權書不得被撤銷:《授權書條例》(第31章)第4(1)條。另見 Agency; Agent; Authority; Consideration; Deed; Renunciation of authority; Revocation of authority; Sufficiency of consideration。




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