单词 | Detention centre |
释义 | 勞教中心 Premises for the detention of young persons who are on remand or subject to control. A place or building appointed to be a detention centre under the Detention Centres Ordinance (Cap 239) s 3. In Hong Kong, it is for the Secretary for Security to appoint places or buildings as detention centres, in which young offenders may be detained. Such centres are run by the Commissioner of Correctional Services. A detention order can be made, if it is of the opinion that having regard to the circumstances of the case, his character and previous conduct it is in the interests of the young offender and the public, by the court against a person under the age of over 14 and under 25 years where he is apparently a young offender and is found guilty of a relevant offence: Detention Centre Ordinance (Cap 239) s 4. The primary object of such a sentence is reformative and to deliver a short, sharp, shock to the offender: A-G v Wong Loy Hing [1977] HKLR 96; R v Wong Kwok Kin [1986] HKLR 910 (CA). See also Child; Detention; Remand; Young Person. 羈留在押候審的少年人或受管轄的少年人之處所。任何根據《勞教中心條例》(第239章)第3條指定為勞教中心的地方或建築物。在香港,由保安局局長指定地方或建築物作為羈留少年犯之勞教中心。此等中心由懲教署署長負責管理。凡看來是14至25歲的青少年犯被裁定犯有關罪行,如法庭認為在該個案的情況下,並經顧及該人的品性及過往行為後,為該人本身及公眾利益著想,該人應羈留在勞教中心一段時期,則法庭可針對該人作出羈留令:《勞教中心條例》(第239章)第4條。作出此等判刑的主要目的在於感化少年人,並給予犯罪者短暫而強烈的沖擊:A-G v Wong Loy Hing [1977] HKLR 96; R v Wong Kwok Kin [1986] HKLR 910 (上訴法庭)。另見 Child; Detention; Remand; Young Person。 |
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