

单词 Formal instrument of agreement
释义 協議的正式文書
In a building contract, a brief document executed by both parties, which usually records the contractor’s obligation to perform the work, the employer’s obligation to pay, and the document comprising the contract. In some cases, the document also lists the order of precedence of the contract documents; in other instances, this is found in the general conditions of contract. In the Hong Kong Standard Form of Building Contract (Private Edition), the Articles of Agreement also set out a brief description of the works, the contract sum, the name of the Architect, and the name of the Quantity Surveyor. Also known as ‘Articles of agreement’. See also Bill of quantities; Building contract; Conditions of contract; Drawings; Schedule of rates; Specifications.
建造合約中,指由合約雙方簽立的摘要文件,通常會記錄承建商所需履行工程的責任、僱主付款的責任及組成有關合約的文件。在若干情況下,此等文件亦會列明合約文件的排名次序;在其他情況下,此等文件可包含在合約的一般條件內。根據《香港標準表格建造合約》,協議條款亦列明工程的摘要說明、合約款項及建築師和工料測量師的姓名。另稱「協議條款」。另見 Bill of quantities; Building contract; Conditions of contract; Drawings; Schedule of rates; Specifications。




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