

单词 Robbery
释义 搶劫罪
An indictable offence of stealing, and immediately before or at the time of doing so, and in order to do so, using force on any person or putting or seeking to put any person in fear of being then and there subjected to force: Theft Ordinance (Cap 210) s 10. The prosecution must prove a theft: R v Shendley (1969) 113 Sol Jo 834, [1970] Crim LR 49 (CA). A claim of right is a defence to robbery and a person who uses force on any person, or puts or seeks to put any person in fear of being then and there subjected to force, in order to get back his own property does not commit robbery: R v Cheung Wing Shun [1984] 1 HKC 403 (CA); R v Tsang Ming Hung [1987] 1 HKC 147 (CA). The basis upon which this is a defence is that the conduct of the accused would not be dishonest: R v Ng Shui-sang & Ip Wai-hung (HCMA 812/94, unreported). A person does not commit robbery if he believes that the robbery has been staged with the consent of the owner of the property taken: R v Cheung Wing Shun, supra. See also Aggravation; Larceny; Stealing; Theft.
可公訴的偷竊罪行,任何人如偷竊,而在緊接偷竊之前或在偷竊時,為偷竊而向任何人使用武力,或使或試圖使任何人害怕會在當時當地受到武力對付,即屬犯搶劫罪:《盜竊罪條例》(第210章)第10條。控方必須證明被告的搶劫罪:R v Shendley (1969) 113 Sol Jo 834, [1970] Crim LR 49 (上訴法院)。聲稱有權是搶劫罪的抗辯,向任何人使用武力的人,或使或試圖使任何人害怕會在當時當地受到武力對付,以取回他自己的財物並非犯有搶劫罪:R v Cheung Wing Shun [1984] HKC 403 (上訴法庭);R v Tsang Ming Hung [1987] 1 HKC 147 (上訴法庭)。基於被告的行為沒有不誠實之處,這可構成抗辯:R v Ng Shui-sang & Ip Wai-hung(高院裁判法院上訴1994年第812號,未經彙報)。如一人相信有關的搶劫罪是在得到所獲取財物的所有人的同意下發生,則該人並非犯有搶劫罪: R v Cheung Wing Shun,見上文。另見 Aggravation; Larceny; Stealing; Theft。n.




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