

单词 Formalities
释义 正式手續
In testamentary succession law, the prescribed procedure, form and method of executing a testamentary document which must be followed if the execution of the will is to be considered valid and binding. Formalities of will-making include the requirement of writing, signature by the testator, and attestation and subscription, or acknowledgement of signature by two witnesses in the testator’s presence at the same time: Wills Ordinance (Cap 30) s 5(1). For a valid will, both the formal requirements and mental capacity requirements must be fulfilled. The court has statutory dispensing powers which allow testamentary documents that have a defect in the formal requirements to be admitted to probate if the court is satisfied that the documents embodies the testator’s testamentary intentions: s 5(2). See also Acknowledgment; Attestation; Dispensing power; Execution; Signature.
就遺囑性質的繼承法而言,有關遺囑的簽立僅會在已遵從就遺囑性質的文件訂明的程序,格式及方法的情況下,才會被視為具有效力及約束力的遺囑的。訂立遺囑的正式手續包括以書面方式訂立,立遺囑人的簽署,以及由兩名證人在同一時間,在立遺囑人面前作出見證並簽署,或承認該簽署:《遺囑條例》(第30章)第5(1)條。必須符合正式的規定及精神上行為能力的規定才可構成有效的遺囑。如法庭信納具有遺囑性質的文件是體現立遺囑人的意圖的,則法庭具有法定免除權力,准予在正式規定上有欠妥的文件取得遺囑認證:第5(2)條。另見 Acknowledgment; Attestation; Dispensing power; Execution; Signature。n.




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