

单词 Monarchy
释义 君主政體/君主制
A system of government in which governmental authority and state sovereignty are vested in, and exercised by or in the name of, a monarch. A monarchy may be absolute, limited, or constitutional, depending upon the degree and extent of the ruler’s real power and function. For example, the Saudi Arabian monarchy is absolute as the King is the foundation of all powers. The British monarchy is constitutional as the supreme powers of government and administration are actually vested in the law, and exercised only the elected representatives in the name of the monarch. After the Hand-over, all powers previously applied and enjoyed by the monarch continue in existence but are to be enjoyed and applied by ‘the State’ or ‘the Sovereign’, ie, the People’s Republic of China: Hong Kong Reunification Ordinance (Cap 2601). See also Constitutional monarchy. Monarch. Rule of law.
一種政府制度,即政府權限及國家主權歸屬於,及以某君主名義行使。視統治者的真正權力其程度及範圍,君主政體可分為專制君主制,有限君主制,或君主立憲制。舉例,沙地阿拉伯王國為專制君主制,其國王為一切權力的基礎。英國王室則行使君主立憲制,即政府及全部行政權力的至高權力事實上歸屬於法律,並由選出的代表以王室名義行使。在主權移交後,過去所有王室享有及施行的權力繼續存在,但由「國家」或「元首」行使,即中華人民共和國:《香港回歸條例》(第2601章)。另見Constitutional monarchy. Monarch. Rule of law.n.




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