

单词 Forfeiture of shares
释义 股份的沒收
The cancellation of the issue of shares, amounting to a reduction of capital. A company's constitution may stipulate that on failure to pay a valid call on shares, or an instalment of a share issue price, a member's shares to the company may be forfeited: for example Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) sch 1 table A arts 34-40. Forfeiture can be authorised by a company's articles of association in respect only of non-payment of calls or instalments: Hopkinson v Mortimer Harley & Co Ltd [1917] 1 Ch 646. In the absence of a contrary provision in the articles, it is unclear whether the former shareholder is discharged from liability for past unpaid calls. The purchaser of forfeited shares is liable for future calls and for the call which occasioned the forfeiture. See also Call on shares; Capital.
指取消發行股票相當於資本縮減。公司章程可規定,如未有繳付有效的催繳股款或繳付催繳股款的分期款項,則可沒收該成員的股份:《公司條例》(第32章)附表1A表第34至40條。公司的組織章程細則可授權,僅可在沒有繳付催繳股款或分期款項的情況下才可沒收股份,:Hopkinson v Mortimer Harley & Co [1917] 1 Ch 646。在沒有細則的相反條文之下,則仍未確定前任股東是否已從過去未繳的催繳股款中免除法律責任。已沒收股份的買家對未來的催繳股款及造成沒收的催繳股款負有法律責任。另見 Call on shares; Capital。




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