

单词 Destitute
释义 匱乏的
Without resources or means of support. In family law property proceedings, the court is required to take into account any fact or circumstance which the justice of the case requires to be taken into account: Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Ordinance (Cap 192) s 7. Where an order is likely to leave a party destitute or homeless, the court will usually refuse to make the order: In the Marriage of Mehmet (1986) 10 Fam LR 1035. See also Indigent.
沒有資源或生計。在家庭法的財產法律程序中,法庭須顧及為有關案件的公義而須顧及的任何事實或情況:《婚姻法律程序與財產條例》(第192章)第7條。當某命令相當可能使任何一方匱乏或無家可歸,則有關法庭通常會拒絕授予有關命令:In the Marriage of Mehmet (1986) 10 Fam LR 1035。另見 Indigent。adj.




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