

单词 Statement
释义 陳述
An oral or written declaration, allegation, or assertion of matters of fact. A statement that is false, defamatory, misleading, or careless may give rise to a civil cause of action. For example, if the defendant makes a statement which is reasonably relied upon by the plaintiff, in the way intended by the defendant, with the resultant damage to the plaintiff, there may be an expressed or implied assumption of responsibility sufficient to give rise to liability for economic loss flowing from the reliance: Baron v Hartford Fire Insurance Co Ltd [1998] 1 HKLRD 411. If one makes a defamatory statement in writing, he commits the tort of libel and the law presumes damage: South Hetton Coal Co Ltd v North-Eastern News Association Ltd [1894] 1 QB 133. A false or misleading statement may also attract criminal liability in some situations. For instance, a person who makes any false or misleading statement in connection with any application for the issue or renewal of a travel agent’s licence granted under s 11 of the Travel Agent’s Ordinance (Cap 218) commits an offence: Travel Agent’s Ordinance (Cap 218) s 48(1)(c)(i). It is also an offence for one to knowingly and wilfully makes a false statement in an application for the purpose of or in connection with the registration of a customary marriage or a validated marriage under s 9 of the Marriage Reform Ordinance (Cap 178): Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) s 34(d)(i). See also Defamatory statement; False representation; Misleading statement; Misrepresentation.
 就事實作出口頭或書面的聲明、指稱或宣稱。虛假、誹謗性、誤導或不小心的陳述可產生民事法律行動的因由。例如倘若被告人以其意圖的方式作出原告人合理地倚賴的陳述,而結果是導致原告人蒙受損害,便可有明示或隱含的推定責任,足以產生由有關的倚賴引致的經濟損失的法律責任: Baron v Hartford Fire Insurance Co Ltd [1998] 1 HKLRD 411。如某人作出若干書面誹謗性陳述,即屬永久形式誹謗的侵權行為,而法律推定有損害:South Hetton Coal Co Ltd v North-Eastern News Association Ltd [1894] 1 QB 133。在若干情況下,虛假或誤導的陳述也招致刑事法律責任。例如就要求根據《旅行代理商條例》(第218章)第11條授予旅行代理商牌照,發出牌照或將牌照續期的申請而作出虛假或誤導的陳述的人,即屬犯罪:第48(1)(c)(i)條。根據《婚姻制度改革條例》(第178章)第9條辦理舊式婚姻或認可婚姻的登記,或在與該項登記有關的事宜上,明知而故意在申請中作出虛假陳述,亦屬犯罪:《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第34(d)(i)條。另見 Defamatory statement; False representation; Misleading statement; Misrepresentation。n.




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