

单词 Voluntary assignment
释义 自願轉讓
1. The assignment of contractual rights or obligations with the consent of both contracting parties. For example, in relation to insurance, where the assignment of interest in the subject matter is effected by the voluntary act of the assured, the assured divests himself of his interest in the subject matter (Collingridge v Royal Exchange Assurance Corp (1877) 3 QBD 173) and the policy accordingly ceases to be effective unless it is specifically and validly assigned as a policy (Rogerson v Scottish Automobile and General Insurance Co Ltd (1931) 48 TLR 17 (HL)). 2. A gift; an intentional, gratuitous, immediate transfer of an existing proprietary right, vested or contingent, from the assignor to the assignee. A voluntary assignment of an expectancy does not create an enforceable contract, even if by deed: Re Ellenborough, Towry Law v Burne [1903] 1 Ch 697. A covenant for title will be implied in an assignment by way of voluntary disposition by a person who is expressed to assign as a donor: Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 35. See also Assignment; Gift; Involuntary assignment; Novation.
1.在立約雙方同意的情況下轉讓合約上的權利或責任。舉例說,就保險而言,如標的事項的權益轉讓是藉投保人的自願行為而生效,則該投保人會剝奪其本身於標的事項中的權益(Collingridge v Royal Exchange Assurance Corp (1877) 3 QBD 173),而該保單會相應地停止生效,除非特別且有效地將該權益轉成保單(Rogerson v Scottish Automobile and General Insurance Co Ltd (1931) 48 TLR 17(上議院))。   2.饋贈;在有意圖、無償及直接的情況下將現行所有權權利(既得的或是或有的)由轉讓人轉讓予承讓人。即使是以契據自願地轉讓預期財產權,此等轉讓也不會產生可強制執行的合約:Re Ellenborough, Towry Law v Burne [1903] 1 Ch 697。在以無償產權處置形式作出的轉讓中,須隱含由明訂以贈與人身分轉讓的人作出的契諾文書:《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第35條。另見 Assignment; Gift; Involuntary assignment; Novation。




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