

单词 Disciplinary action
释义 紀律行動
Action taken in response to misconduct or breach of discipline.
Employment - Reasonable lawful action taken by an employer against an employee for misconduct or breach of discipline. An employer needs contractual authority in order to impose any disciplinary measures lawfully: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 10(2), Employment Law [145.442]. Amendments and additional disciplinary rules imposing new obligations should be introduced only after reasonable notice has been given to all employees or their representatives: ibid [145.441]. If an employer imposes disciplinary action which is neither within managerial discretion nor permitted either by contract or by statute, an employee may sue employer for breach of contract (Gouse v Durham CC [1971] 2 All ER 666, 1 WLR 775) or may leave and claim to have been constructively dismissed (Keung Ah Pan v Hong Kong Macau Water Proof Engineering Co Ltd (HCLA 77/94, unreported)). If the sanction imposed is disproportionate to the offence, the employee may claim breach of contract or constructive dismissal: BBC v Beckett [1983] IRLR 43.
Legal practitioners - A sanction imposed on a legal practitioner in the course of disciplinary proceedings in respect of the practitioner’s misconduct. The fundamental purpose of disciplinary actions was not primarily punitive or deterrent but to maintain a well-founded confidence among members of the public that any practitioner whom they might engage would be of unquestionable integrity, probity and trustworthiness: Bolton v The Law Society [1994] 2 All ER 486, 1 WLR 512. Failure to give sufficient notice to clients of the cessation of practice by a sole practitioner or a partnership could amount to an act of negligence and to disciplinary action: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 17, Legal Practitioners [240.070] note 2. See also Disciplinary tribunal; Misconduct; Personal misconduct; Professional misconduct.
僱傭 -   僱主就僱員的不當行為或違反紀律而採取的合理而合法的行動。僱主須有合約上的權限才可合法地施行任何紀律制裁:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第10(2)冊,僱傭,第[145.442]條。應僅在給予所有僱員或其代表合理通知後,才可採取施行新責任之修訂及額外紀律的規則:第[145.441]段。如僱主施行並非在管理酌情決定權範圍內,或合約、法規准予的紀律行動,則僱員可控告僱主違約(Gouse v Durham CC [1971] 2 All ER 666, 1 WLR 775),或可離職並提起推定解僱之申索 (Keung Ah Pan v Hong Kong Macau Water Proof Engineering Co Ltd (高院勞資審裁處上訴1994年第77號,未經彙報)) 。如施行的制裁與所犯的罪行不相稱,則僱員可提起違約或推定解僱之申索:BBC v Beckett [1983] IRLR 43。
執業律師 -   在不當行為紀律程序中,就有關法律執業者的不當行為而對該名執業者施加的制裁。紀律行動的基本目的並非以懲罰或阻嚇為主,而是繼續使公眾人士對他們可能騁用的任何執業律師,有充分的理由相信他們具有無可置疑的正直品格、誠信並值得信賴:Bolton v The Law Society [1994] 2 All ER 486, 1 WLR 512。如獨營執業者或合夥執業者沒有給予當事人充分的的停業通知,則屬疏忽行為並導致紀律行動:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第17冊,執業律師,第[240.070]段附註2。另見 Disciplinary tribunal; Misconduct; Personal misconduct; Professional misconduct。




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