

单词 Directions hearing
释义 指示聆訊
A hearing conducted in a court of civil jurisdiction (ie the Court of First Instance or the District Court) prior to the substantive hearing to determine interlocutory or procedural matters, and generally for the purpose of giving directions as to the further conduct of the proceedings (including discovery, the inspection and production of documents, the filing of particulars and the provision of expert evidence).
在決定非正審或程序上的事宜的實質聆訊之前,在民事法庭進行的聆訊 (即原訟法庭或地方法院),一般是為了提供有關法律訴訟程序的進一步行為的指示 (包括透露文件、檢查及交出文件、送交詳情存檔以及提供專家證據)。




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