

单词 International debt crisis
释义 國際債務危機
The crisis of the world financial system generated by the refusal or inability of some large debtor countries, to meet the payments on their foreign debts. Traditionally, developed nations provide loans as Foreign Aid Assistance to those nations in developing state to build their economies. The international debt crisis began as a result of the oil crisis in 1970s and the borrowings from the developed nations of certain developing countries had accrued to a surmountable sum. Mexico in 1982, the first nation, declared unable to meet the debt repayment; International Monetary Fund (IMF) was subsequently called upon to deal with the crisis and it implemented a structural adjustment programs in those countries; in order to reschedule the outstanding debts or obtain more money, the debt governments had to agree the strict economic programs imposed on their countries by IMF. See also International Monetary Fund.
世界金融體系危機的產生源於一些大的債務國逃避或無力償還外債。傳統上,發達國家向發展中國家提供貸款幫助其發展經濟。國際債務危機的產生是由於20世紀70年代石油危機爆發後,一些發展中國家向發達國家舉借的外債已經積累到無法償還的數量。1982年,墨西哥首先宣布了無力償還外債;之後,國際貨幣基金組織著手採取措施緩解危機,在這些發生外債危機的國家實施結構性調整規劃;為了外債重組和獲得更多的貨幣,債務國政府不得不同意國際貨幣基金組織要求其實行的嚴格經濟發展計劃。另見 International Monetary Fund。




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