

单词 Life support system
释义 生命維持系統
1.Any medical procedure or intervention which, when applied to an individual would serve only to postpone the moment of death or maintain the individual in a state of permanent unconsciousness. In these circumstance, such procedure shall include, but are not limited to, mechanical or electronic devices including artificial means of providing nutrition or hydration. 2. In relation to the environment, the combination of essential ecological processes into systems, such as a forest in water catchment areas and coastal wetlands.
1. 使用在個人身上的醫學程序或干預,它只可拖延死亡時間或維持該個人在永久的無意識狀態中。在這種情況下,該程序須包括不限於通過機械或電子裝置,而藉人工方法提供營養或水份。  維生體系 2. 就環境而言,基要的生態進程組合而成體系,如匯水盆地森林及沿海濕地。




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