

单词 Code of ethics
释义 道德守則
A statement of the principles or rules for practical guidance for a particular trade or profession. A set of rules of ethics governing professional conduct issued by the professional body stipulating the acceptable or appropriate conduct generally or in specific situation. Such a set of rules is more aptly described as a code of practices. Breach of the code does not automatically expose the party in breach to prosecution or civil claim. There are two sets of code of conduct for the two branches in the legal profession, barristers and solicitors, in Hong Kong: Code of Conduct for the Bar of the Hong Kong SAR; Hong Kong Solicitors’ Guide to Professional Conduct. An expression of an applicable professional standard in a code of ethics should be considered as an important statement of public policy and any departure from the approach laid down therein should be scrutinised with care: Nishimatsu-Costin-China Harbour Joint Venture v Ip Kwan & Co (A Firm) [2000] 2 HKC 445 (CA). See also Code of practice; Discipline; Legal ethics, Professional conduct and practice rules; Professional misconduct.
準則或規則的陳述,作為某生意或行業的實務指引。由專業團體發出的一套規則,規管專業操守,訂定一般或於特定情況下可接受或適當的操守。該套規則較貼切描述為實務守則。違反該守則不會使違反的一方自動遭受檢控或民事申索。於法律專業中就其兩個分支(即大律師及律師)有兩套操守守則:《香港大律師公會執行委員會操守守則》。在道德守則中明訂某適用的專業標準,應視為公共政策的指引,任何偏離訂下的方針應予以小心監察:Nishimatsu-Costin-China Harbour Joint Venture v Ip Kwan & Co (A Firm) [2000] 2 HKC 445(上訴法院)。另見 Code of practice; Discipline; Legal ethics, Professional conduct and practice rules; Professional misconduct。




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