

单词 Cohabitation
释义 同居
1. The state of living together. 2. For the purposes of family law, living together as husband and wife: Atkinson v Atkinson (1987) 137 NLJ 847. It is not essential to establish that sexual intercourse occurs between the parties to establish cohabitation. Whether any particular set of circumstances constitutes cohabitation depends on the importance ascribed by the parties to factors such as dwelling under the same roof, sexual intercourse, mutual society and protection, recognition of the existence of marriage and the nurture and support of their children: In the Marriage of Pavey (1976) 10 ALR 259, 1 Fam LR 11,358. Cohabitation is not resumed merely by causal encounters, even if sexual intercourse occurs and there is no intention to resume cohabitation: Clift v Clift (1976) 2 Fam LR 11, 369.
1.一男一女共同居住生活的狀況。 2.就家庭法而言,同居指作為夫妻共同居住生活:Atkinson v Atkinson (1987) 137 NLJ 847。要證明同居,並沒有必要證明雙方之間有發生性行為。對於某個特定情況是否可以構成同居這個問題,得視乎雙方對一些因素, 例如同室居住、性交、彼此的情誼和愛護、對婚姻存在的承認,以及對他們子女的養育和支持),有多大的著重程度:In the Marriage of Pavey (1976) 10 ALR 259, 1 Fam LR 11,358。如果沒有意圖恢復同居,那麼,純粹偶而相遇,甚或發生性行為,也不算是恢復同居:Clift v Clift (1976) 2 Fam LR 11, 369。 n.




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