

单词 Equivocal plea
释义 模稜兩可的申辨
A plea of guilty made by an accused before a court in circumstances where the plea does not necessarily admit that the accused is guilty of the crime charged, where the facts upon which the plea is based did not support the charge to which the accused pleaded guilty: R v Li Tung Hing [1992] 2 HKC 427 (HC). Where there is something said by the accused which suggests that his plea may be equivocal, the court should investigate the matter before proceeding further: R v Wong Ching Wah [1976] HKLR 412, and may allow the accused to withdraw his plea: R v Ng Yau Fai [1987] HKLR 405. See also Exculpatory; Plea.
如有關的被告在申辯中並非必然承認他/她在有關的控罪中有罪,或如有關的申辯所根據的事實並不支持被告所承認的罪行,則在此等情況下,被告在法庭席前作出模稜兩可的申辯:R v Li Tung Hing [1992] 2 HKC 427 (高等法院)。如被告的若干說話顯示其申辯可能屬模稜兩可,則法院在進行進一步的法律程序前,應就該事項作出調查:R v Wong Ching Wah [1976] HKLR 412,以及可批准被告撤回其認罪:R v Ng Yau Fai [1987] HKLR 405。另見 Exculpatory; Plea。




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