

单词 Wardship
释义 監護
The condition of a child who has been removed from the care of his or her family and has the court appointed as his or her guardian: Re S (infants) [1967] 1 All ER 202, 1 WLR 396. In Hong Kong, wardship jurisdiction lies in the Court of First Instance. It originates from the concept that the Queen of England, as parens patriaeis, is mother of all the children in all the places of which Her Royal Highness remained monarch including Hong Kong: Re Y (minors) [1984] HKLR 204. The wardship jurisdiction of the court is extensive and unfettered: Re E (a minor) [1984] 1 All ER 289, 1 WLR 156 (HL). Where application is made for such an order in respect of an infant, the infant will become a ward of court on the making of the application, but will cease to be a ward of court at the expiration of such period as may be prescribed by rules of court, unless within that period an order has been made in accordance with the application: High Court Ordinance (Cap 4) s 26(2). See also Child; Guardian; Ward of Court.
兒童處於被移離家庭的照顧及管束的情況,並由法庭被委派成為其監護人:Re S (infants) [1967] 1 All ER 202, 1 WLR 396。在香港,原訟法庭有監護的司法管轄權。它源自下述的概念,即英女皇作為政府監護,乃在女皇陛下所統治的地方,包括香港的,所有兒童的母親:Re Y (minors) [1984] HKLR 204。法庭的監護的司法管轄權極廣,並且不受約束:Re E (a minor) [1984] 1 All ER 289, 1 WLR 156 (HL)。凡有要求就一名幼年人作出該項命令的申請提出,該名幼年人在申請提出時即成為受法院監護的人,但除非在法院規則所訂明的期間內已按照該項申請而作出命令,否則該名幼年人在該段期間屆滿時即終止為受法院監護的人:《高等法院條例》(第4章)第26(2)條。另見 Child; Guardian; Ward of Court。n.




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