单词 | Worship |
释义 | 崇拜 Reverence, homage, and adoration before God or a god. Humbling oneself in reverence and recognition of the dominant power and control of any entity or being outside one’s own body and life. It must have some of the characteristics of submission to the object worshipped, veneration of that object, praise, thanksgiving, prayer or intercession: R v Registrar General, ex p Segerdal [1970] 2 QB 697, 3 All ER 886 (CA). Worship may be public or private. Public worship frequently takes the form of a sacred ritual such as Mass, Benediction, or Divine Service. It is an offence to interrupt or disturb religious worship: Offences Against the Person Ordinance (Cap 212) s 34; Matthews v King [1933] All ER Rep 942, [1934] 1 KB 505. See Place of public worship. 對上帝或神的崇敬、敬重及敬拜。在崇敬及讚譽支配權、自身體外及生活之外的任何實體或存在的控制時,貶抑自己。在對待崇拜的對象時,人們總是表現出以下特點:謙卑、尊敬、褒揚、感恩、祈禱或求情:R v Registrar General, ex p Segerdal [1970] 2 QB 697, 3 All ER 886(英國上訴法院)。崇拜既可以公眾參與方式進行,也可以私人方式進行。公開禮拜經常以神聖的儀式進行,如彌撒、祝福或禮拜。制止或阻撓宗教崇拜是違法的:《侵害人身罪條例》(第212章)第34條;Matthews v King [1933] All ER Rep 942, [1934] 1 KB 505。見 Place of public worship。n. |
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