

单词 Secret commission
释义 秘密佣金
Any gift or valuable consideration accepted by or given to an agent as an inducement or reward for any act done, forbearance observed, or favour shown in relation to the principal’s affairs or business or on the principal’s behalf or for obtaining an agency or contract for or with the principal. A third party who has bribed or paid a secret commission to an agent is liable to compensate the principal for any loss or damage resulting from the agent’s acceptance of the bribe or secret commission: Mahesan v Malaysia Government Officers’ Co-operative Housing Society Ltd [1979] AC 374, [1978] 2 All ER 405 (PC). Accepting secret commissions is a breach of an agent’s duty to the principal and the agent is liable to the principal for the amount: Aberdeen Railway Co v Blaikie Bros [1843-60] All ER Rep 249. Where the contractor has agreed to pay a commission to any agent of the employer in order to secure the acceptance of a tender, the employer may rescind the contract (Alexander v Webber [1922] 1 KB 642) and may sue the agent for any commission received and for damages (Powell and Thomas v Evan Jones & Co [1905] 1 KB 11 (CA)). Payment of a secret commission or offering an advantage with regard to the promotion, execution or procuring of a contract with a public body is an offence: Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap201) s 5. Similarly the offering of an advantage regarding the withdrawal or refraining from making of a tender for a contract with a public body is also an offence: s 6. See also Agency; Agent; Bribe; Fiduciary duty; Principal; Secret profits.
任何由代理人收受或向代理人給予的饋贈或有值代價,以作為有利於委託人或代表委託人的事務或業務,或為委託人或與委託人取得代理或合約而作出的任何行為,延期償付,或優惠的誘因或報酬。賄賂或支付代理人秘密佣金的第三者,有法律責任向委託人賠償因代理人接受賄賂或秘密佣金而引起的任何損失或損害:Mahesan S/O Thambiah v Malaysia Government Workers’ Co-operative Housing Society Ltd [1979] AC 374, [1978] 2 All ER 405(樞密院)。收受秘密佣金違反代理人對委託人的責任,而代理人對委託人在款項上有法律責任:Aberdeen Railway Co v Blaikie Bros [1843-60] All ER Rep 249。如承辦商已同意向僱主的任何代理人支付佣金以確保投標的接納,僱主可撤銷有關的合約 (Alexander v Webber [1922] 1 KB 642),及可就任何收取的佣金及損害賠償起訴代理人(Powell and Thomas v Evan Jones & Co [1905] 1 KB 11(英國上訴法院))。如為了促進、簽立或促致與公共機構訂立合約而支付秘密佣金或提供任何利益,即屬犯罪:《防止賄賂條例》(第201章)第5條。如任何人向他人提供任何利益,作為撤回為了與公共機構訂立合約而作的投標,或不參與該項投標的誘因或報酬,或由於撤回該項投標或不參與該項投標而向他提供任何利益,亦屬犯罪:第6條。另見 Agency; Agent; Bribe; Fiduciary duty; Principal; Secret profits。




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