

单词 Just and equitable
释义 公正公平
A company may be wound up when it is just and equitable to do so: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 177(1)(f). The conventional headings are: loss of substratum of company, company formed to carry out fraud or illegal purposes, quasi-partnership cases, justice or equity, failure to comply with directions of regulatory authority and the conduct of the management calls for the fullest investigation: Re Tourmaline Ltd [2000] 4 HKC 348 (CFI). Where a company was fraudulent in its inception and carried on business at a loss without capital of its own: Re Thomas Edward Brinsmead & Sons [1897] 1 Ch 406. It was impossible to carry on its business owing to internal disputes and the company was put in a state of deadlock: Re Tak Ming Co Ltd (No 2) [1960] HKLR 389; In the matter of Quality International Ltd [1964] HKLR 669; Re Cirtex Co Ltd [1987] 3 HKC 13 (HC). See also Winding up.
公司清盤可被清盤,如此做法乃是公正公平:《公司條例》(第32章)第177條(1)(f)。慣用的案目包括:公司基礎的損失、公司為進行欺詐或不合法用途而成立、準合夥案件、公正與衡平、未能遵守規管機關的指引及就最全面調查的管理召集行為:Re Tourmaline Ltd [2000] 4 HKC 348 (CFI)。當某公司一開始即屬欺詐性,並在沒有資金的情況下進行虧損的業務:Re Thomas Edward Brinsmead & Sons [1897] 1 Ch 406。該公司因內在爭議,不可能繼續經營業務,而使該公司陷入僵局:Re Tak Ming Co Ltd (No 2) [1960] HKLR 389;In the matter of Quality International Ltd [1964] HKLR 669; Re Cirtex Co Ltd [1987] 3 HKC 13 (高等法院)。另見 Winding up。




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