

单词 Pools
释义 集合基金
A form of market manipulation where a person conspires with associates to generate artificial market activity. A common scheme involves members agreeing to subscribe to a certain amount to establish a substantial pool of funds which is used by a broker for the pool to successively sell from one member of the pool to another member in order to boost reported turnover and price. Pools or market manipulations of securities of corporations are prohibited: Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571) ss 278, 299. See also Market manipulation.
一種形式的市場操控,凡某人與有聯繫人士串謀作出虛假的市場活動。一個較常見的方案牽涉成員協議認購某特定數目以設立一個有份量的集合基金;該集合基金為股票經紀用以相繼地由一集合基金成員賣給另一成員,以抬高公報的成交量及價格。法團證券集合基金或市場操控是受禁止的:《證券及期貨條例》(第571章)第278、299條。另見 Market manipulation。n.




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