

单词 Protesting the jurisdiction
释义 抗議司法管轄權
A legal entity or individual contesting the validity of the court or forum which attempts to hear a particular matter or action, as not being the valid venue for such a proceedings. For example, a party to a legal proceeding who ordinarily resides in another jurisdiction argues that such proceedings should be held in that jurisdiction and not the one where they are being held. A party who protests the jurisdiction of an adjudicator may invite him to inquire into his jurisdiction, but not to decide it: Christopher Brown Ltd v Genossenschaft Oesterreichischer Waldbesitzer Holzwirt-schaftsbertriebe Registrierte Genossenschaft Mit Beschrankter Haftung [1954] 1 QB 8, [1953] 2 All ER 1039. Also known as ‘Contesting the jurisdiction’. See also Forum; Jurisdiction; Venue.
合法團體或個人抗議法院或裁判所的有效性, 有關的裁判所嘗試對個別事情或訴訟進行聆訊, 但不屬於該法律程序的有效(審判地/管轄區域)。例如通常居住在另一司法管轄權地方的法律程序當事人爭辯, 有關的法律程序應在該司法管轄權地方進行而非於現正在進行程序的地方。抗議審裁員司法管轄權的當事人可邀請有關的審裁員到其司法管轄權地方進行研訊, 但非作出決定: Christopher Brown Ltd v Genossenschaft Oesterreichischer Waldbesitzer Holzwirtschaftsbertriebe Registrierte Genossenschaft Mit Beschrankter Haftung [1954] 1 QB 8, [1953] 2 All ER 1039。也稱為 「受爭議的司法管轄權」。另見 Forum; Jurisdiction; Venue。




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