

单词 Counterclaim
释义 反申索
A claim or a cross-claim capable of supporting an independent action but which is pleaded in the existing action for the sake of convenience: Stumore v Campbell & Co [1891-94] All ER Rep 784, [1892] 1 QB 314. A counterclaim is subject to the same pleading requirement as a claim. It can be used as a set-off to or as a defence against the original claim. If approved, a counterclaim can result in relief for the defendant against the plaintiff. It need not be of the same nature as the original action: Stooke v Taylor (1880) 5 QBD 569. A counterclaim differs from set-off in that the defendant in a set-off admits the plaintiff’s claim but sets up a cross-claim excusing the defendant in whole or in part. A debtor who receives a statutory demand can avoid committing an act of bankruptcy by either paying the amount claimed or satisfying the court that the debtor had a counterclaim, set-off, or cross demand equal to or exceeding the amount of the judgment debt claimed in the statutory demand, so long as the counterclaim, set-off, or cross demand could not be raised in the proceedings in which the judgment debt was obtained. For counterclaim against the plaintiff and counterclaim against additional parties: Rule of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 15 rr 2, 3. See also Claim; Cross claim; Cross demand; Defence; Judgment debt; Set-off.
能支持某獨立訴訟的申索或交相申索,但為求方便而於現有訴訟作出申辯:Stumore v Campbell & Co [1891-94] All ER Rep 784, [1892] 1 QB 314。與申索一樣,反申索是受制於相同的申訴答辯規定。反申索可用作抵銷申索或用作針對示原來申索的抗辯。若反申索獲允許,可引致針對原告人而向被告的濟助。反申索不需與原訴訟屬相同性質:Stooke v Taylor (1880) 5 QBD 569。反申索與抵銷申索的不同之處在於,抵銷申索中的被告接納原告人的申索,但提起反申索,作為該被告全部或部分的辯解理由。獲得法定付款要求的債務人,可藉以上方式避免作出破產行為:支付申索的款額,或令法庭信納該債務人有反申索、抵銷申索,或與法定付款要求中申索的判決債項的金額一樣或超逾該金額的交相付款要求,只要該反申索、抵銷申索或交相付款要求不可於獲得判決債項的法律程序中提起。有關針對原告的反申索及針對額外的原告的反申索:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第15號命令第2及3條規則。另見 Claim; Cross claim; Cross demand; Defence; Judgment debt; Set-off。n.




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