

单词 Delegation
释义 轉授

Handing down, granting, assigning, or relinquishing certain powers, duties and authority to another to act on one’s behalf for the implementation of a specific task.
Contract - In the law of agency, the entrusting to another person by an agent of the exercise of a power or duty entrusted to the agent by the agent’s principal. An agent, however has no right to delegate the task entrusted to him without the express or implied authority of the principal: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 1, Agency [15.032]. See also Agency; Agent; Delegatus non potest delegare; Express authority; Principal.
Tort - Devolution from an agent upon another person of a power or duty entrusted to the agent by his principal. In general, there can be no delegation where there is personal confidence reposed or skill required, however general the nature of the duties, unless urgent necessity compels the handing over of the responsibility to somebody else: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 25, Tort [380.186]. Delegation, as the word is generally used, does not imply a parting with powers by the person who grants the delegation, but points rather to a conferring of an authority to do things which otherwise the person would have to do himself: Huth v Clarke (1890) 25 QBD 391. The word ‘delegation’ when used in connection with the statutory duty of the employer does not mean the same thing as ‘employment.’ An employer does not, merely by employing his servant to work a crane, delegate to him the statutory duty of seeing that the crane is not overloaded. The theory of delegation of a statutory duty is intelligible where the duty is a positive duty such as to keep the guard of power in adjustment. In the case of a negative duty such as not to overload a crane, the conception of delegation presents considerable difficulty: Gallagher v Dorman, Long & Co Ltd [1947] 2 All ER 38 (CA). For there to be a delegation of a statutory duty it must be made clear that it is a statutory duty that is being delegated, and that what is being said is not mere instruction common to all workmen as to how the workmen should carry out the work: Manwaring v Billington [1952] 2 All ER 747 (CA). See also Power of appointment; Testamentary freedom; Testamentary powers.
合約 -   代理法中,代理人將主事人向其委託的權力或責任委予另一人。但在沒有主事人的明示或默示的授權下,代理人沒有權利「轉授」主事人向其委託的工作予另一人:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第1冊,代理,第[15.032]段。另見 Agency; Agent; Delegatus non potest delegare; Express authority; Principal。
侵權 -   代理人將主事人向其委託的權力或責任轉予另一人。一般而言,凡主事人將個人信任寄託於代理人身上,或需要代理人的某些技術(不論該代理人的責任是何等普通),代理人不可將該等權力或責任「轉授」予另一人,但如有將責任轉予另一人的緊急需要,則屬例外:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第25冊,侵權,第[380.186]段。「轉授」並不隱含轉授人放棄其權力,但暗示該轉授人「轉授」行事權予獲轉授人:Huth v Clarke (1890) 25 QBD 391。凡「轉授」一詞跟「僱主的法定責任」一詞一併使用,其意義則有別於「僱傭」。例如某位僱主僱用某人在其起重機工作,該僱主並無將確保該起重機沒有負荷過重的法定責任「轉授」予該受僱人。凡在該「轉授」下的法定責任是積極責任(例如保護調較起重機的權力),轉授原則是可理解的;但凡轉授下的責任是消極責任(例如不得令起重機過重),轉授原則是難以理解的:Gallagher v Dorman, Long & Co Ltd [1947] 2 All ER 38 (英國上訴法院)。凡某項法定責任將獲「轉授」,須強調獲轉授的只是法定責任,並且該等指示並非對所有工人的工作指示:Manwaring v Billington [1952] 2 All ER 747 (英國上訴法院)。另見 Power of appointment; Testamentary freedom; Testamentary powers。n.





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