

单词 Delimitation
释义 劃界
In maritime law, the process of defining or demarcating the maritime jurisdiction of coastal states. Principal methods of delimitation are the trace parallel method and the straight baseline method favoured by states having fragmented coastlines. Most methods of delimitation rely on baselines. The normal baseline is the low-water line along the coast as marked on large scale charts officially recognised by a coastal state: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 art 5. See also Boundary; Continental shelf; Territorial sea.
就海商法而言,指就沿海國家的管轄範圍作出定義或確定界線的過程。平行線法是劃界的主要方法,而直線基線法則屬受擁有不連續海岸線國家樂意採用的方法。大多數的劃界方法都以基線為依據。正常基線是沿海國家官方承認的大比例尺海圖所標出界限的沿岸低水線:《1982年聯合國海洋法公約》第5條。另見 Boundary; Continental shelf; Territorial sea。n.




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