

单词 World Trade Organisation
释义 世界貿易組織
Abbr – WTO An international organisation established on 15 April 1994 by the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organisation 1994. The function of the WTO is to facilitate the implementation, administration and operation, and to further the objectives, of the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organisation 1994 and of the Multilateral and Plurilateral Trade Agreements: Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organisation 1994 art III(1). The WTO has legal personality, and must be accorded by each of its members such legal capacity as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions: art VIII(1). The WTO must provide the forum for negotiation among its members concerning their multilateral trade relations in certain matters: art III(2). The WTO must co-operate, as appropriate with the International Monetary Fund and with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and its affiliated agencies, with a view to achieving greater coherence in global economic policy-making: art III(5). The three principal organs of the WTO are the Ministerial Conference, the General Council and the Secretariat: arts IV, VI. See also General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; International Monetary Fund.
簡寫 – WTO  根據《馬拉喀什建立世界貿易組織協定》(1994年版),於1994年4月15日成立的一個國際組織。WTO的職能為推動《馬拉喀什建立世界貿易組織協定》(1994年版)、及多邊及諸邊貿易協定的實施、管理及運作,並促進其目標的實現:《馬拉喀什建立世界貿易組織協定》(1994年版)第III(1)條。WTO具有法律人格,由於該法律效力可能對行事其職能而言必不可少,故WTO的所有成員均須認同:第III(1)條。WTO須就成員間某些事宜中的多邊貿易關係提供洽商論壇:第III(2)條。為實現全球經濟決策的更大一致性,WTO應酌情與國際貨幣基金組織和國際復興開發銀行及其附屬機構進行合作:第III(5)條。WTO的三大主要機構為部長會議、總理事會及秘書處:第IV、VI條。另見 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; International Monetary Fund。




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