

单词 Legalism
释义 律法主義
An approach to the analysis of legal questions characterised by abstract logical reasoning focusing on the applicable legal text, such as constitution, legislation, or case law, rather than on the social, economic, or political context. The technique emphasises interpreting the words of instruments strictly in accordance with the rules of statutory construction, disregarding social consequences and policy considerations. The term is often associated with the ‘original intent’ doctrine, according to which a statute should be interpreted by reference to the original intent of its authors, not by reference to more contemporary criteria. The court’s role under the common law in interpreting the Basic Law of the Hong Kong SAR is to construe the language used in the text of the instrument in order to ascertain the legislative intent as expressed in the language: Director of Immigration v Chong Fung Yuen [2001] 2 HKLRD 533 (CFA).
分析法律問題的方式,有撮錄集中在可應用法律文本的邏輯推論,如憲法、法例,或判例法,而並非關於社會、經濟或政治內容。該技巧強調嚴謹地根據法定解釋的規則以說明文書的文字,而無須理會社會後果及作出政治考慮。此用語經常與’本意’原則有關,按照法規必須根據作者的本意作出說明,而不是根據當代的準則。在普通法下法庭就釋義香港特別行政區基本法的職責是解釋文書內容中所使用的文字,以確保在文字中能充分明示其立法用意:Director of Immigration v Chong Fung Yuen [2001] 2 HKLRD 533 (終審法院)。n.




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