

单词 Wholly disabled
释义 完全傷殘
In relation to an insured individual, unable to perform one’s usual work duties or the most substantial part of one’s business as he or she is suffering from a mental or physical disability: Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd v Nation Life and General Assurance Co Ltd [1966] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 179. Therefore, the right to recover may depend upon the insured’s occupation. In such a case the assured may be wholly disabled although he is able to attend to some details of his business. Thus, a solicitor who is confined to his room by reason of a sprained ankle is wholly disabled although he is able to give directions to a clerk or dictate letters; it is sufficient that he is wholly disabled from performing the most substantial part of his business: Hooper v Accidental Death Insurance Co (1860) 5 H & N 546. Also known as ‘totally disabled’ or ‘total disability’.
受保人因心智不全或肢體殘疾,而不能履行其通常的工作職責,或不能完成最基本的個人事務:Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd v Nation Life and General Assurance Co Ltd [1966] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 179。因此,追回權將取決於受保人的職業。在此情況下,受保人雖能專注於若干個人事務詳情,但已完全傷殘。因此,當一名律師因腳踝扭傷而閉門休養時,雖然他能夠向書記作出指示或口授函件,但其已完全傷殘;這足以證明其已完全傷殘,不能完成最基本的個人事務:Hooper v Accidental Death Insurance Co (1860) 5 H & N 546。另稱‘totally disabled’或‘total disability’。




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