

单词 Taxing master
释义 訟費評定官
The Registrar, deputy registrars and assistant registrars of the court with the duty of administering the taxation of costs: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 62 r 1; The Rules of the District Court (Cap 336H) O 62 r 1; Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance (Cap 484) s 43. A taxing master has power to tax (a) the costs of or arising out of any cause or matter in the court; (b) the costs directed by an award made on a reference to arbitration under any enactment or pursuant to an arbitration agreement to be paid; and (c) any other costs the taxation of which is directed by an order of the court: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 62 r 12; The Rules of the District Court (Cap 336H) O 62; Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Rules (Cap 484A) r 57. The taxing master in the District Court has similar powers, save that he has no power to tax costs directed by an arbitration award. In criminal cases, the taxing authority can appoint or authorise the appointment of public officers as taxing officers to act on behalf of the taxing authority: Costs in Criminal Cases Rules (Cap 492A) r 5(3). The taxing master by whom any taxation proceedings are being conducted may, if he thinks it necessary to do so, adjourn those proceedings from time to time: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 62 r 26(2). A stay of taxation of costs pending appeal can be granted when there are good grounds to do so: Re HY & HT Lee Bros & Co Ltd (CACV 307/99, CACV 328/99, unreported). In order to invoke the court’s inherent jurisdiction, the party seeking to stay the taxation hearing has the burden of showing good cause for the stay: Plus Lucky Ltd v Chin Yuk Lun Francis & Ors [2003] 3 HKC 80. See also Taxation of costs.
指具有管理訟費評定職責的法院司法常務官、副司法常務主任及助理司法常務官: 《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第62號命令第1條規則;《區域法院規則》(第336H章)第62號命令第1條規則;《香港終審法院條例》(第484章)第43條。訟費評定官具有權力評定(a) 在高等法院的任何訟案或事宜的訟費或該訟案或事宜所引致的訟費; (b) 由某裁決指示須予支付的訟費,而該裁決是就一宗根據任何成文法則或依據一項仲裁協議提交仲裁的案件作出的;及(c) 任何其他由法庭命令指示須作訟費評定的訟費:《高等法院規則》 (第4A章) 第62號命第12條規則;《區域法院規則》 (第336H章) 第62號命令;《香港終審法院規則》 (第484H章) 第57條規則。地方法院的訟費評定官有類似的權力,但沒有評定由仲裁授予指示的訟費的權力。就刑事案件而言,訟費評定當局可委任或授權委任公職人員為訟費評定主任,以代訟費評定當局行事:《刑事案件訟費規則》(第492A章)第5(3)條規則。訟費評定官沒有司法管轄權在上訴待決期間押後有關的評定聆訊:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第62號命令第26(2)條規則。凡有妥善的理由,則可授予在上訴待決期間擱置訟費評定:Re HY & HT Lee Bros & Co Ltd (民事上訴1999年第307及328號,未經彙報)。為援引法院固有的司法管轄權,尋求擱置訟費聆訊的一方有責任顯示妥善的擱置因由:Plus Lucky Ltd v Chin Yuk Lun Francis & Ors [2003] 3 HKC 80。另見 Taxation of costs。




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