

单词 Writ of execution
释义 執行令狀
An order directing to the bailiff of the court to enforce a judgment in a specified manner. Execution must be commenced by the issue of an appropriate writ in all cases other than those in which the court has ordered immediate execution of the judgment without the need for the issue of a writ: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 45 r 14. A writ of execution recites the judgment or order under which it is issued, and commands the bailiff what he is to do, in terms varying according to the particular kind of writ; the wording of the command must carefully follow that of the judgment: Cobbold v Chilver (1842) 4 Man & G 62. It must be dated on the day on which it is issued (O 46 r 6(5)), and the form must follow that prescribed by the rules of court (O 45 r 12), with such variations as the circumstances may require (O 1 r 9). For the purposes of execution a writ of execution is valid in the first instance for 12 months beginning with the date of its issue: O 46 r 8(1). The writ of execution derives from the old common law process by which the sheriff, in obedience to one of the common law writs, procures for a judgment creditor the fruits of his judgment: Re a Company [1915] Ch 520. A writ of execution includes a writ of fieri facias, a writ of possession, a writ of delivery, a writ of sequestration and any further writ in aid of any of the said writs. See also Execution; Writ of fieri facias.
指示法院執達主任以制定方式執行一項判決的命令。在任何情況下,必須於發出適當地執行令狀後,方可執行判決,惟法院已命令不需發出令狀而即時執行判決者除外:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第45號命令第14條規則。執行令狀載有該判決或發出該令狀所基於的命令,以指揮執達主任如何執行判決,不同種類令狀的用語有所不同;指揮的措辭必須與該判決的措辭保持一致:Cobbold v Chilver (1842) 4 Man & G 62。每一份執行令狀均須載有其發出之日的日期(第46號命令第 6(5)條規則),及令狀必須採用《法院規則》所訂明的格式(第45號命令第12條規則),並可按個別情況所需作出更改(第1號命令第9條規則)。就執行而言,執行令狀初步有效12個月,由其發出的日期起計:第46號命令第8(1)條規則。執行令狀源自老式普通法程序,執達主任依照其中一份普通法令狀,透過該程序為判決債務人實現判決結果:Re a Company [1915] Ch 520。執行令狀包括一份扣押債務人財產令、一份歸還土地執行令及為支援上述任何令狀而發出的任何進一步令狀。另見 Execution; Writ of fieri facias。




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