

单词 Ordinary meaning rule
释义 普通解釋規則
In statutory interpretation, the rule that words are to be interpreted in accordance with their ordinary and current meaning, if there is nothing to modify, alter or qualify the language which a statute contains: ACT Construction Ltd v Customs and Excise Cmrs [1982] 1 All ER 84, [1981] 1 WLR 1542 (HL). If there is more than one ordinary meaning, the words must be construed to the most common and well-established of the possible meanings: A-G of Ontario v Mercer (1883) 8 AC 767 (PC). The context may, however, indicate one of the other meanings: A-G v Associated Newspapers Ltd [1994] 2 AC 238, 1 All ER 556 (HL). Where the words used are familiar and are in common and general use in the English language, it is inappropriate for the court to try to define them further by judicial interpretation and to lay down their meaning as a rule of construction: Brutus v Cozens [1973] AC 854, [1972] 2 All ER 1297 (HL).
就法例釋義而言,指如當中沒有必要修改、更改或釐正法規含有文字的解釋,文字須根據其普通而現有的解釋而詮釋的規則:ACT Construction Ltd v Customs and Excise Cmrs [1982] 1 All ER 84, [1981] 1 WLR 1542 (上議院)。如該文字包含多於一種普通解釋,該等文字須以最普通的方法解釋,及確立所有可能的解釋:A-G of Ontario v Mercer (1883) 8 AC 767 (樞密院)。但有關文意可指明其他解釋:A-G v Associated Newspapers Ltd [1994] 2 AC 238, 1 All ER 556 (上議院)。如所使用的文字屬常用文字,並在英國語文中屬普通而一般的文字,法庭如欲為該等文字以司法解釋進一步下定義及規定其涵義為釋義規則,則屬不恰當:Brutus v Cozens [1973] AC 854, [1972] 2 All ER 1297 (上議院)。




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