

单词 Order of payment
释义 繳費令
The order in which the debts and liabilities of a bankrupt are satisfied. The debt with the first priority is the actual expenses incurred by the Official Receiver in protecting or attempting to protect the property or assets of the bankrupt or any part thereof and any expenses or outlay incurred by him or by his authority in carrying or the business of the bankrupt: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 37(1)(a). Except as otherwise specifically provided by the Bankruptcy Ordinance, all debts proved in the bankruptcy rank equally: s 38(8). See also Bankrupt; Creditor’s petition.
指就某破產所需清償的債項及法律責任的命令。第一優先次序的債項是破產管理署署長在保護或企圖保護破產人的財產或資產或其任何部分方面所招致的實際開支,以及他在經營破產人的業務方面所招致或授權招致的任何開支或費用:《破產條例》(第6章)第37(1)(a)條。除《破產條例》另有規定外,在破產案中經證明的所有債權均須同時及同等地予以償付:第38(8)條。另見 Bankrupt; Creditor’s petition。




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