

单词 Order interrogatories be withdrawn
释义 撤回質詢書的命令
An order by the court before the answering of interrogatories that an answer to the interrogatories is not required. Where interrogatories without order had been served, the court may order them to be withdrawn: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 26 r 3(2). See also Answers to interrogatories.
指管有訴訟審結後,以有權享有管有權的人為受益人將管有權交付的法庭命令。如已送達沒有發出命令的質詢書,則法庭可發出撤回的命令:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第26號命令第3(2)條規則。另見 Answers to interrogatories。




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