

单词 Built-up area
释义 已建設區
An urban area usually defined in terms of the presence of urban development or the provision of a system of lighting along a public street. In a built-up area, there is frequently an automatic speed restriction without there being a specific sign. Parking restrictions may also be applicable in a built-up area. It is also known as a restricted road where there are street lamps not more than 200 yards apart: A-G v Peter Alfred Davies [1972] HKLR 450; Boyd-Gibbins v Skinner [1951] 1 All ER 1049, 2 KB 379. See also Environment.
從呈現市區發展型態或沿公眾街道的照明系統設施來界定的市區範圍。在已建設區內,通常有自動車速限制,否則便有特定的指示。泊車限制也可適用於已建設區。已建設區另稱限制使用道路,其中街燈相隔的距離不超過200碼:A-G v. PA Davies [1972] HKLR 450; Boyd-Gibbins v. Skinner [1951] 1 All ER 1049, 2 KB 379。另見 Environment。




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