

单词 Breach of duty of care
释义 違反謹慎責任
Negligent or careless conduct, or failure to act, of a person who owes a duty of care to another and who fails to maintain the standard of care necessary to fulfil that duty. Breach of the duty alone is not sufficient to ground an action for negligence. The requisite elements are: a duty owed to a plaintiff who is in a proximate relationship with the defendant; a breach of that duty; and damage or injury caused by the breach. See also Causation; Duty of Care; Negligence; Standard of Care.
對他人負有謹慎責任的人作出的疏忽行為或不小心行為或不行為,並且沒有維持所需的謹慎準則履行該責任。僅僅違反責任不足以成為疏忽行為訴訟的所據理由。所需的要素為﹕被告對原告人負有責任,而該原告人跟被告人處於接近的關係﹔違反該責任﹔及因違反責任所導致的損害或傷害。另見 Causation; Duty of Care; Negligence; Standard of Care。




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