

单词 Breach of covenant
释义 違反契諾
The contravention of a positive or negative covenant by the covenantor. The following remedies are available for breaches of covenant: proceedings for an injunction (including a mandatory injunction) or other equitable relief; an action for money due under the covenant; an action for damages (whether in respect of pecuniary or non-pecuniary kinds of damage): Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 41. See Covenant; Deed.
契諾承諾人違反積極性或消極性的契諾。以下是違反契諾的可採取補救方法:申請強制令(包括強制性禁令)或其他衡平法濟助的法律程序、為申索根據契諾應繳付款項的訴訟、為申索損害賠償的訴訟(不論是金錢上或非金錢上的損害賠償):《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第41條。另見 Covenant; Deed。




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