

单词 Burning costs
释义 損失賠償成本/保險超額賠款成本
The increased or penalty premium stipulated in a premium adjustment clause in a policy of aviation insurance payable in addition to the minimum premium if there are claims on the policy. Initial premium may be at a low level, but the policy provides for a higher premium to become payable if there are claims: Phoenix General Insurance Co of Greece SA v Administratia Asigurarilor De Stat [1986] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 552, [1987] 2 All ER 152 (CA). The premium adjustment will take into account the claims experience of the insured, the type of aircraft and other factors. It may also be called ‘burning differentials’, ‘increases in premium’ or ‘penalty premium’. See also Aviation insurance; Premium.
如有就保單提出申索,除最低保費之外,還須根據航空保險單內所載的保費調整條款的規定支付增加保費或懲罰性保費。初始保費可能在低水平,但保單規定如果有申索時,便須支付較高保費:Phoenix General Insurance Co of Greece SA v Administratia Asigurarilor De Stat [1986] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 552, [1987] 2 All ER 152(英國上訴法院)。保費調整時會考慮受保人過往的申索記錄,航空器的類別及其他因素。也可稱為「損失賠償差額」、「增加保費」或「懲罰性保費」。另見 Aviation insurance; Premium。




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