

单词 Absolute liability
释义 絕對的法律責任
Legal responsibility for a breach of law, not dependent on any particular state of mind, and for which no defence is available except act of God. By comparison, strict liability allows the defence of honest and reasonable mistake. The extent to which a mental element is relevant to the commission of an offence depends upon statutory interpretation: Gammon (HK) Ltd & Ors v A-G of Hong Kong [1985] AC 1 (PC); A-G v Shun Shing Construction & Engineering Co Ltd [1986] HKLR 311 (CA). Absolute liability had been interpreted as applying to breach of curfew: Lo Yim Kai & Ors v R [1966] HKLR 414. In tort, absolute liability seldom exists, as liability is invariably based on some deliberate or negligent act or omission. Nevertheless, absolute liability exists in relation to the escape of dangerous substances: Rylands v Fletcher (1868) LR 3 HL 330. See also Absolute liability offence; Strict liability.
就違法所需承擔的法律責任,並不取決於任何特殊的精神狀況,並僅在天災的情況外,沒有其他可供使用的抗辯。比較起來,嚴格的法律責任容許誠實而合理的錯誤。精神因素與犯罪有關的程度取決於法定的釋義:Gammon (HK) Ltd & Ors v A-G of Hong Kong [1985] AC 1 (樞密院); A-G v Shun Shing Construction & Engineering Co Ltd [1986] HKLR 311 (上訴法庭)。絕對的法律責任被解釋為適用於違反宵禁的情況:Lo Yim Kai & Ors v R [1966] HKLR 414。就侵權而言,絕對的法律責任很少存在,因為法律責任不變地是依據若干故意的或疏忽的作為或不作為的。但絕對的法律責任存在於有關危險物品逸漏的情況:Rylands v Fletcher (1868) LR 3 HL 330。另見 Absolute liability offence; Strict liability。




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