

单词 Absent from duty
释义 缺勤/擅離職守
The state of being away from or not attending a duty, or of refusing to perform or complete a duty. It is a disciplinary offence for a member of the disciplinary force to be absent from duty without leave or good cause: Police (Discipline) Regulations (Cap 232A) r 3(2)(a); Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force Ordinance (Cap 233) s 14(a); Fire Services Ordinance (Cap 95) Sch 1 para (9)(a); Immigration Service Ordinance (Cap 331) s 8(1)(a); Prison Rules (Cap 234A) r 239(1)(k)(i). See also Disciplinary proceedings.
擅離職守或沒有留守崗位的,或拒絕執行或完成職責的情況。紀律部隊成員若無許可或妥善因由而擅離職守則屬違紀行為:《警察(紀律)規例》(第232章A)規例3(2)(a);《香港輔助警隊》(第233章)第14條(a) ﹔《消防條例》(第95章)附件1(9)(a) ﹔《入境事務隊條例》(第331章)第8條(1)(a)。另見 Disciplinary proceedings。




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