

单词 Purchaser
释义 承購人
A person who acquires an interest in property for valuable consideration by conveyance. The term ‘purchaser’ is not limited to the colloquial expression of someone who buys property. It refers to person who receives an interest in property other than by operation of law, such as mortgagee or lessee. By contrast, neither (1) a trustee in bankruptcy who receives a bankrupt’s property as a result of the operation of the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) nor (2) a deceased’s next of kin who is entitled to the deceased’s estate by operation of the Intestates’ Estates Ordinance (Cap 73) qualifies as a purchaser: Nield Hong Kong Land Law (2nd Ed, Longman) ch 2 p 33. See also Conveyee; Sale of land; Valuable consideration; Vendor.
以有價值之代價以轉易的方式購買財物權益的人。「承購人」一詞並不限於購買財物者的口語詞句。指非藉法律施行而收取財物權益的人, 例如承按人或承租人。 相反, (1) 藉破產條例(第 6章)的施行, 在破產收取破產人物業的信託人,和(2) 藉無遺囑者遺產條例(第73章)的施行, 享有死者產業的死者近親都沒有資格成為承購人: Nield Hong Kong Land Law (第2版) 第 2章 第 33頁。另見 Conveyee; Sale of land; Valuable consideration; Vendor。n.




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