

单词 Bit
释义 數元
Abbr – B Binary digit. The smallest unit of information in the binary numbering system which accepts 0 (zero) or 1 (one) as the only possible digits. In data storage, a bit is either 0 for ‘off’ or 1 for ‘on’. Other symbols and letters can be expressed using a group of bits. For example, the capital letter ‘A’ can be expressed as 11000001 in Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code by using eight bits to form a byte (binary digit eight). The total bit rate of the information directly transferred is the ‘digital transfer rate’: Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) Regulations (Cap 60G). See also Byte.
英文簡寫-B。二進制數字。比突是二進制數字系統中最小的資訊量單位。而二進制只接受0(零)或1 (壹)為僅有的可能數字。在資料儲存中,比特不是「0」(代表「關」),便是「1」(代表「開」)。其他符號和字母都可以用一組比特來表達。例如擴充的二- 十進制交換碼以8位數字構成位元組(8位二進位數未字),例如11000001表示大寫字母「A」。直接轉移資訊的總比特速率是「數字轉移率」:《進出口(戰略物品)規則》(第60G章)。另見 Byte。n.




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