

单词 Vacant possession
释义 空置管有權
That which is conferred on a purchaser of real property where that property is free from occupation by the vendor or a third party (such as lessee or licensee). The purchaser does not have to recover possession before he can have vacant possession, and there is no physical impediment which would interfere with the purchaser’s right to use and occupy the property. Where a person takes vacant possession of property, the property is both unoccupied and free from any claim to a right to possession from anyone else: Cumberland Consolidated Holdings Ltd v Ireland [1946] KB 264, [1946] 1 All ER 284 (CA). If no tenancies are disclosed and no statement is made as to possession, the implication is that the purchaser is to have vacant possession, except in the case of completion of a sub-sale in a confirmation transaction: Chong Kai Tai v Lee Gee Kee [1997] 1 HKC 359, HKLR 461. In a tenancy situation, upon the termination of a tenancy, a tenant is under a duty to deliver vacant possession of the property to the landlord. The performance of the duty is not complete if the tenant still retains control over the property by keeping the keys whether by himself or through his agents, even though he has not remained in physical occupation: Prime Win Enterprises Ltd v Nova Management Consultants Ltd [2004] 2 HKC 587. See also Lessee; Lessor.
當某不動產沒有被賣方或第三者(如承租人或獲特許者)佔用,賦予該不動產的買方的管有權。該買方不須先收回管有權,方可獲得空置管有權,亦無任何實質的阻礙事由會干擾該買方使用及佔有該不動產的權利。當某人取得某財產的空置管有權,該財產屬無人佔用,並且無任何其他人可就管有權作出任何申索:Cumberland Consolidated Holdings Ltd v Ireland [1946] KB 264, 1All ER 284(英國上訴法院)。若沒有透露任何租賃,亦沒有就管有權作出聲明,這隱含買方會獲得空置管有權,但如在確認交易中所完成的轉售則除外:Chong Kai Tai v Lee Gee Kee [1997] 1 HKC 359, HKLR 461。在租賃的情況下,租賃一經終止,租客負有責任將該財產的空置管有權交付予業主。縱使該租客沒有繼續實質佔用該財產,但若該租客本人或透過其代理人藉保存該財產的鑰匙,而仍然保留該財產的控制權,則該租客沒有完全履行該責任:Prime Win Enterprises Ltd v Nova Management Consultants Ltd [2004] 2 HKC 587。另見 Lessee; Lessor。




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