

单词 Usual terms and conditions
释义 慣常條款及條件
1. The terms upon which a party to a contract usually contracts, such as the terms of a standard form contract. Terms in a contract that are apparently vague or uncertain can frequently be given substance if there is some external yardstick or standard by which the content of that agreement can be more precisely defined. A contract may purport to incorporate the usual terms and conditions of the relevant industry standard form contract, such as an insurance contract: Re Bradley and Essex and Suffolk Accident Indemnity Society [1912] 1 KB 415 (CA). Evidence is required to show what such usual terms and conditions are: Dr Li Franklin & Anor v Crocus Property Inc [1981] 1 HKC 367. 2. The terms which a court order is subject to: Liu Suet Un v Yu Man Fai & Anor [1987] 2 HKC 509; Mary Regina Will v Eduard William Rudolf Helmuth Will & Anor (CACV 211/92, unreported).
1. 某締約方通常立約規定的條款,例如標準格式合約中的條款。若根據某些衡量標準或標準協議的內容可更確切地予以界定,則表面上含糊或未確定的合約條款,可經常予以實據。某合約可看來是包含有關行業標準格式合約的慣常條款及條件:Re Bradley and Essex and Suffolk Accident Indemnity Society [1912] 1 KB 415(英國上訴法院)。證據須證明何謂該等慣常條款及條件:Dr Li Franklin & Anor v Crocus Property Inc [1981] 1 HKC 367。  2. 與法令不相抵觸的條款:Liu Suet Un v Yu Man Fai & Anor [1987] 2 HKC 509; Mary Regina Will v Eduard William Rudolf Helmuth Will & Anor(民事上訴1992年第211號,未經彙報)。




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