

单词 Statutory lien
释义 法定留置權
1. A form of security arising over property, recognised by statute, to secure particular types of debt. 2. A security interest in property created by statute. As a general rule, possession of the object of the security is not necessary. The terms of the statute will govern the circumstances in which the lien will arise. In a maritime context, a statutory lien attaches when property is arrested in an action in rem in the Admiralty jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance: Richmond Shipping Ltd v D/ S and A/S Vestland, The Vestland [1980] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 171. The statutory lien therefore is of no avail against any subsisting charge on the property or against a purchaser in good faith for value: The James W Elwell [1921] P 351, 15 Asp MLC 418. The Director of Marine has a right under statute to detain vessels in respect of damage to the harbour or dock works (ie possessory lien) (Shipping and Port Control Ordinance (Cap 313) ss 8, 12), to detain and sell a ship in respect of port dues (ss 54, 55) and to take possession of and remove and sell vessels which are stranded, abandoned or sunk in Hong Kong waters and out of the proceeds of sale to reimburse themselves for the reasonable expenses incurred (s 21). See also Carrier’s lien; In rem; Lien; Seizure; Unpaid seller’s lien.
1. 在財產上產生的一種受法規認可,以確保獲個別債務種類償付的保證方式。   2.由法規設訂的財產擔保權益。一般的原則是不須管有擔保的物體。法規的條款會規管會產生法定留置權的情況。就海上留置權而言,如有關的財產是在原訟法庭的海事司法管轄權的對物訴訟被扣留,則附連法定留置權:Richmond Shipping Ltd v D/ S and A/S Vestland, The Vestland [1980] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 171。因此,法定留置權不適用於針對任何有關財產的仍然存續的押記,或在本著真誠付出價值的情況下針對買方:The James W Elwell [1921] P 351, 15 Asp MLC 418。根據法規,海事處處長有權因對海港或船塢工作做成損害而扣留船隻(即管有留置權)(《船舶及港口管制條例》(第313章)第8及12條),就港口費而將其扣留及出售 (第 54及55條)及如船隻在香港水域內擱淺、被棄或沉沒,則可取得管有、將其除去及出售,並以售賣的得益償還他們自己所招致的合理費用(第 21條)。另見 Carrier’s lien; In rem; Lien; Seizure; Unpaid seller’s lien。




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