

单词 Biological weapons
释义 生物武器
Any biological agent or toxin of a type and in a quantity that has no justification for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes; or any weapon, equipment or means of delivery designed to use biological agents or toxins for hostile purposes or in armed conflict: Weapons of Mass Destruction (Control of Provision of Service) Ordinance (Cap 526) s 2. Offences relating to the development of certain biological agents and toxins and of biological weapons: Biological Weapons Ordinance (Cap 491) s 2. The use of infectious materials extracted from biological agents for the conduct of war, with the aim of inflicting disease or killing humans, animals, and plants. The use of biological weapons is prohibited by customary international law, international conventions, and United Nations General Assembly resolutions. The development, production, stockpiling, or acquisition of microbial agents, toxins, and weapons for hostile purposes is prohibited: Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction 1972, which is applicable in Hong Kong SAR. The development, production, stockpiling, acquisition or retention of biological and toxin weapons is prohibited: Biological Weapons Ordinance (Cap 491) s 2. See also Chemical weapon.
類型和數量不屬於預防、保護或其他和平用途所正當需要的任何生物劑或毒素;或為了將生物劑或毒素使用於敵對目的或武裝衝突而設計的任何武器、設備或投射工具:《大規模毀滅武器(提供服務的管制)條例》(第 526章)第 2條。關於發展某些生物劑及毒素以及生物武器的罪行:《生物武器條例》(第 491章)第 2條。為戰爭行為使用從生物劑取得的傳染性物料,目的在於造成細菌的禍害或殺害人類、動物及值物。國際習慣法、國際公約及聯合國全體會議決議禁止使用生物武器。禁止為敵對目的發展、生產、儲存以及取得生菌劑、毒素及武器:適用於香港特別行政區的《1972年禁止細菌(生物)及毒素武器的發展、生產及儲存以及銷毀這類武器的公約》。禁止發展、生產、儲存、取得或保有生物及毒素武器:《生物武器條例》(第 491章)第 2條。另見 Chemical weapon。




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