

单词 Safe conduct
释义 安全通行證
The situation in time of international conflict or war where one state, a party to such conflict, issues to a person, usually an enemy state’s subject, a pass or document to allow the enemy alien to traverse its territory without harassment, bodily harm, or fear of death. Safe conduct is only granted in exceptional circumstances for a specific purpose. For example, under Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War 1949 art 75, states which are not parties to a conflict must grant safe conduct to those involved in the transportation of mail and relief supplies. See also Alien; Enemy.

在國際衝突或戰爭時期的一種情況,即屬於該衝突一方的國家,發給一般為敵對國家的人通行證或文件,從而使該名敵對的外國人在不受騷擾,身體傷害或害怕死亡的情形下,越過其領土。安全通行證僅在特別的情況下並為指定的目的才發出。例如根據《1949年關於戰俘待遇之日內瓦公約》第75條,並非衝突的各方必須發給參與郵遞或救濟補給工作的人安全通行證。另見 Alien; Enemy。





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